
Day Forty One

May 5, 2020 • Pastor John Wilson

My apologies for not writing a prayer guide the last two days. I have been back to visitation and nearly full-time office hours.

“Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.” Mt.5:8

This passage troubled me for many years as I contemplated the condition of my heart. How many times I begged God to give me a pure heart, but it seems never to have happened. I always find myself back at His throne asking for forgiveness and mercy. Thanks be to God that He always forgives the sincere heart.

In looking at this passage many times I finally discovered the word ‘pure’ was better understood to mean ‘an undivided heart’. What I believe this means is blessed or happy is the person who knows God and is pursuing Him instead of the world. Do I do this perfectly or do you? I am certain we do not, but that does not deter God’s great love or provision for us. He truly does love us.

Where I fail Jesus Christ prevails.

My struggle is the pursuit of an undivided heart. I have learned that if I truly pursue an undivided heart, I must pursue God Himself for Himself. I must want to know Him as He is and love Him as I am. I must be completely honest with the God Who made me and knew me when I was formed in my mother’s womb. He has loved me from the beginning and has created me to know Him. What mystery! What confidence! What joy can exceed this purpose of God in creating me that I might know Him and the power of His resurrection. Glory to God!


I thank You O God that I may know You, not just know about You but really know You. Help me this day to pursue You for just You, not for what You can give me but just for the joy of knowing You. Let Your Presence rest on me today as never before. I love You lord. In Jesus’ Name I praise You! Amen.

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