
Day Thirty Five

April 25, 2020 • Pastor John Wilson

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled” Mt.5:6

In our world today we see many appetites. There are those who hunger for literal food for their bodies and there are those who have appetites for money or power or success in some field of work. Jesus has a lot to say to us today about our appetites. Jesus says blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.

An appetite for righteousness is an acquired taste for man. Our flesh naturally goes to things which are easy to obtain, and things which gratify our wants in the quickest way.

Hunger for righteousness and God is not so alluring. Righteousness comes at a cost. Yes, there is the righteousness that is imputed to us by putting our faith in Jesus Christ, but there was a cost He had to pay. There is also what is known as personal righteousness, which is demonstrated in us by the way we live, the choices we make and the obedience we render to God. There is a righteousness in our lives which brings glory to the Lord, but it too comes at a personal cost.

Jesus also refers to thirsting for righteousness. Can you remember a time when you were so thirsty that all you wanted was clear cool water? Milk was not going to cut it and neither was a cold drink of your favorite carbonated beverage. This is the kind of thirst Jesus tells us that God will satisfy. Remember the woman at the well in Samaria. Jesus told her that “whoever drinks of the water I shall give him will never thirst.” John 4:14

Jesus is that for which we should hunger and thirst. When we recognize Him as the One who satisfies our souls we are again discovering a secret hidden in plain sight. Jesus alone can satisfy the longings of our souls.


Heavenly Father please create in me a thirst for You and then O Lord satisfy me with Your Son and with Your manifest Presence. You alone know my heart and You alone can change it. I give you liberty to create such hunger and thirst in me and then to satisfy such longings with Yourself.
In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen

More from Guided Prayer

Day Forty Eight

May 18, 2020 • Pastor John Wilson

“Come out of her my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive her plagues.” Rev.18:4 These are the words of Jesus to His people in the end days. He is referring to the judgment which was about to fall on Babylon. So, what was Jesus asking of His people? Babylon has always stood for the full rebellion and resistance of man. To come out of ‘her’ is to leave a number of entanglements. The first of which would be false religions. There is a day coming when all who dwell on the earth will be forced to follow the religion of the anti-Christ or die. Those who follow false religions will be easily deceived and led astray. The second entanglement of Babylon will be economic destruction. God will destroy the world economic system in a day and the world will grieve. The merchants of the world will mourn as no one will buy their merchandise any more. Following the economic collapse will be the loss of luxury. Those who have lavished luxury on themselves and not paid honor to Jesus Christ the risen Lord will be utterly devastated emotionally not knowing where to turn. In their mind all will be lost. The above statements reveal to us the end of the wicked and deceived, but the story for the followers of Jesus Christ will have a different end. We will be forever with Jesus enjoying His great love and forgiveness. His mercy will be poured out like rain on a thirsty people and we will be forever refreshed in His presence. Prayer: Dear heavenly Father. I thank you for the Hope that is mine in Jesus. Knowing that we are living in unprecedented times and events give me wisdom as to my life. Show me if there is any part of me that is being influenced by false religions, economic unfaithfulness or sinful extravagance. I long to be faithful to You first and last and always. Deliver me out of any Babylon mentality and show me the path that You want me to walk. I love You Lord. Help me love You more. Make me what You want me to be. In Jesus’ Name. Amen

Day Forty Seven

May 14, 2020 • Pastor John Wilson

“Therefore, behold, I will allure her, will bring her into the wilderness, I will give her vineyards from there…” Hosea 2:14-15a Many believers are at the present time wondering what on earth is going on in our nation and our world. Some are convinced we are being judged, others that we are only being disciplined and yet others believe we are in the beginning of the end times. I have pondered all these questions and have yet to gain any certainty about the answer. One thing I do know. If the Church is being pressed and if we as Christians are entering difficult times the solution is not going to be political. As much as some would like it to be the issue for the Church is never political but spiritual. So, what are we to do at this time and in this situation? First, we are to keep our eyes on Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. What are you and your family doing to keep that focus? He alone can make things clear to us for our day. Second, we must listen for His voice; the voice of the Holy Spirit. In stressful times the Church must learn to hear His voice and obey Him. Third, we must understand that we do not battle against flesh and blood. That is exactly what the evil one wants us to think. He wants us to trust in man. We must trust in God and must fight this battle with spiritual weapons. We will only win if we fight on our knees. We move forward on our knees. Finally, we must believe that God has allowed us this wilderness experience; He is still in charge. Then we must believe His promise that He will give us vineyards as our reward for faithfulness. Prayer: Father, help me resist the pull of depression or anxiety. Keep me from trusting in the arm of the flesh and to believe You will not only deliver me, but Your plan and promise is to bless me. Help me focus on You and Your kingdom. May I be a vessel You may fill and use to Your glory. In Jesus’ Name Amen

Day Forty Six

May 12, 2020 • Pastor John Wilson

“To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.” Eccl.3:1 In all of life there is timing. In theater, politics and religion there is a very common phrase. “Timing is everything.” This is a truth that the older we are the more we understand about God and His timing. In the gospel of John, Jesus from the second chapter until John 17:1 frequently spoke of His hour appointed by the Father. He did not rush this hour nor did He shrink from it. Jesus was faithful to the plan and will of His Father in Heaven. The plan of salvation could not be rushed. All things had to take place in the Father’s timing for the mission to be accomplished. This is a divine truth we must all grasp. God’s timing is not our timing and His ways are not our ways. We are to listen for His voice. As westerners of the faith we have a tendency to rush ahead of God and often fail to allow Him to do what He knows is best. This is a hard habit to break and one that dies slowly, resisting our efforts to acquiesce. Our flesh and its motivations resist surrender. As we move forward in our faith, we must believe God always has perfect timing. He knows our struggle with compliance to Him and His will. We find it hard to believe God is in control when He does not move as quickly as we would like. This is just the time to wait on God and trust His perfect timing. Do not rush God. Wait patiently for His way. I do not know what your struggle may be; that thing you want God to resolve. What I have learned is the obvious is rarely the issue. The issue, the struggle is learning to wait on God and trust Him for the timing and the outcome. It is so difficult. Remember ‘timing is everything.’ Prayer: Heavenly Father I confess my impatience. I confess at times I have been frustrated at Your timing but I hope to become more patient and trusting of You beginning today. Teach me to wait upon the Lord so that I may first learn and then see Your hand in all things. Thank You for loving me and accepting me when I question Your interest in my life. I will learn to trust and follow. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.