
Celebrating 25 Years of Ministry

Celebrating 25 years of God's blessings in Family Fortress Ministries

January 9, 2018 • Sam & Debbie Wood

Happy New Year! When we look at 2018, we are compelled to pause and marvel at what the Lord has done. This marks the 25th year since He formed and established Family Fortress Ministries. Throughout the scriptures, God exhorts His people to remember and declare His works. Remember the marvelous works He has done (1 Chronicles 16:12). So this year, we will celebrate Him not only with current monthly reports but also by sharing twenty five memories of His work from Family Fortress history, memories that strengthen our faith for future work.

We will briefly mention a couple of memorable works in our monthly letter, but we will also expand those highlights in a history blog on our website. This month we tell stories of the beginning. May reading how God sovereignly directed each step encourage and bring praise to your hearts.

Throughout the year, we will post short video clips (about two per month) from twenty five pastors and twenty five couples describing works they personally witnessed God do through the vehicle of this ministry. We invite you to view these on the website or app. If the Lord brings a particular Family Fortress incident or teaching to mind that He used in your life, please bless us with a quick video clip or written email that magnifies Him and His work.

Remembering all He has done motivates us to trust Him for future opportunities so we ask you to pray that during this 25th anniversary year, He will add 25 new monthly supporters and supply $25,000 for special projects and expansion. That is a lofty goal for us, but as you will see in our monthly history blog and the testimonies of friends, our God accomplishes the impossible.