
I lost my virginity & now I'm a believer, what should I do?

June 20, 2016 • Debbie Wood


What if someone broke your virginity and you were not a believer in Christ; so now you have been preached about a gospel and follow Jesus and you leave that guy? Let say he don’t believe in Him but is the one who broke your virginity what to do or you just move on.


It is important that you explain to the guy you have had sexual relations with that you are a new creature in Christ. This means you think differently now and you have new values. The desire of your heart is now to obey Christ. The Bible strongly forbids sexual relationships outside of marriage so you cannot continue the relationship the way it was. You can remain friends but should eliminate all physical contact.

In addition, the Bible warns Christians against relationships where one partner is a believer and the other is an unbeliever. (2 Corinthians 6:14). According to his scripture, the Christian should not even pursue engagement or a dating relationship with a non-believer.

I hope this clears up some of your questions. For new believers, we recommend the book, The God You Can Know by Dan DeHaan.

As far as understanding God’s perspective on guy-girl relationships, we recommend:

>When God Writes Your Love Story by Ludy

>The Sacred Search" by Gary Thomas

We also have a site designed for couples who are considering marriage at www.PreparingForPartnership.org. This site trains couples in what the Bible says about marriage and analyzes their personal data to offer suggestions for preparing a foundation for marriage centered on Christ. Checkout the Premarital Training Section on this app.