
...But God...

How God Changes Everything

Lesson 5: Forgives Sins Alone

October 14, 2018 • Jacob Hawk

If only God forgives sins, this must mean we are only forgiven God’s way. Jacob takes a different look at baptism as we finish our “http://...but God...” series.

Lesson 4: Demonstrates His Love for Us

October 7, 2018 • Jacob Hawk

Sometimes we all get tired, almost stagnant in our faith. Jacob teaches from a “http://...but God...” passage that reminds us why being a child of God is the greatest blessing in the world. Words to Revive us Again.

Lesson 3: Choose the Foolish Things of the World

September 30, 2018 • Jacob Hawk

“God chose people who wouldn’t normally be chosen—people who wouldn’t usually win—to do the winning for Him as the church began. God still does that today. Jacob explains how and why as we continue our http://...but God... series.”

Lesson 2: Knows Your Heart

September 23, 2018 • Jacob Hawk

We continue our “http://...but God...” series with one of the most eye-opening and challenging passages of Scripture. God knows our hearts. One of His grading rubrics for measuring our spiritual health is how we handle money. Jacob breaks down the parable of the shrewd manager in Luke 16.

Lesson 1: Disciplines Us

September 16, 2018 • Jacob Hawk

What if our conversations everyday centered around “http://...but God...” instead of “http://...but I...”? How would it change everything? Jacob’s first lesson in this new series, “http://...but God disciplines us...”