
Arenas, Mark - Harvest America

May 7, 2018

May 7, 2018

Mark Arenas, Crusade Director for Harvest America, a major evangelistic outreach with Greg Laurie to be held in Dallas on June 10 and available for simulcast in churches and homes across the nation, explained the concept of the event and walked through various logistics of getting connected to the simulcast.  Learn more at www.harvestamerica.com.

Anderson, Candyce - Samaritan Counseling Center

April 2, 2018

Candyce Anderson, who serves as a therapist for Samaritan Counseling Center in Montgomery, one of the co-sponsors for the Better Parenting for Brighter Futures Assembly and Expo at the Cramton Bowl Multiplex on Saturday, April 21, 2018.  Learn more at http://www.brighterfuturesmgm.com.  The Samaritan website is http://www.tsccenter.org.

Baker, Johnny - Celebrate Recovery {The Road to Freedom}

June 21, 2018

Johnny Baker, whose parents founded Celebrate Recovery and who has been Pastor of Celebrate Recovery at Saddleback Church since 2012, discussed principles he relates in the book, The Road to Freedom: Healing From Your Hurts, Hangups, and Habits.  Learn more at http://www.celebraterecovery.com.

Baker, Mark - Overcoming Shame

June 28, 2018

Dr. Mark Baker, who is a psychologist and marriage and family therapist, executive director of the La Vie Counseling Centers in Pasadena and Santa Monica, CA, discussed the topic of shame, identifying it, and dealing with it Biblically, as he addresses in the book, Overcoming Shame: Let Go of Other’s Expectations and Embrace God’s Acceptance.  Learn more at http://www.drmarkbaker.com.