

January 10 - March 13, 2016

Now... Not Yet

March 13, 2016

We live in a digital world. You can go to far away lands, a world unexplored and tour landmarks from the comfort of your home, but it cannot replace the experience of actually being there. In many ways what we see on our screens should cause us to desire actually being there. As we close out our Rooted series, today we wrestle with what we see and experience now as the church and how it should energize us to live fully knowing that we have not yet experienced the full life Jesus promised.

How Will You Manage?

February 28, 2016

How often do you check your bank account? Check your stocks? Assess the value of your home? We put a value on everything and often ask the question, “What is it worth?” But something only has value if someone places value on it. Today we look at the things that we have in this life and look and how God calls us to look at and value those things.

Serving Tension

February 14, 2016

We don’t like tension. Why? It’s uncomfortable and often leads us where we don’t want to go. When Jesus made the statement that He came to serve, not to be served, and when Jesus kneeled down to wash His disciples’ feet - there was a lot of tension. When Jesus looked at His disciples and said, “You do likewise” the tension grew. Serving causes lots of tension. Why? Because it means giving up our perceptions and ideas of what life is supposed to be like and taking up Jesus’ call. Today we uncover and embrace the tension in an attempt to join Jesus as we SERVE.

Attacking Evil

February 7, 2016

What do we do with evil? The evil of the world? The evil around us? The evil within us? Let’s admit it right now. The devil is real, and he is actively working within humanity. And often it seems like evil is attacking our Rootedness. So where does that leave us? Are we hopeless against the attacks of the devil? Is he winning? Today we take a look at what happens to evil when pitted against Jesus. Through observing this battle we learn that, in Him, we can attack evil.

Suffering Surprises

January 31, 2016

We know it happens. We know it exists. We don’t like it. We wish we could hide from it. But we all know it’s lurking around the next corner. What is it? Suffering, hardship, troubles, those things in life that make us ask the question of God, “Why?!” As we continue our journey into the life of a disciple rooted in Jesus, we have to ask the question. What do we do with suffering? As we unpack that question today, you might be surprised by the answers and how we are called to view our own personal suffering.

Divine Conversations

January 24, 2016

It’s hard to get through life without having conversations. In the fast-paced digital world we live in today, our conversations have changed but they are still there. We are a talking people. It’s how we build relationships, get to know each other, and do business. Conversation is essential to life. The One who created us knows this too. God is not silent. The Creator and Sustainer of everyone speaks and listens. Ever since creation there has been an ongoing conversation between God and His people. Today as we look at how to be Rooted we ask these questions: what does this conversation look like and how can we join in the conversation?

His-Story in the Making

January 17, 2016

In this fast paced world it’s not easy to remember the past, let alone what you ate for dinner last night! But history is so important. Why? There are lots of reasons, but ultimately it comes down to the meaning of the word. Our word ‘history’ comes from the Greek word ‘historia’ meaning an account or retelling of a true story. See? History is really just knowing and sharing the grand story in which we each share a part. Today we look at the BIG story, the true story, of how we got here, and where this whole story is heading. It’s a grand story, it’s an amazing story, it’s your story, but ultimately it’s His-story.

Rooted in Christ

January 10, 2016

It’s a known fact, big trees, healthy trees, strong trees, all have something in common—strong roots. Roots are amazing. They provide the life-giving nutrients that a tree needs to grow strong. They anchor a tree to it’s foundation. They even alert the tree of potentially hazardous conditions. Without roots we wouldn’t have trees. In Ephesians 4:14 Paul challenges all disciples to stand firm rather than be tossed about. But how? In a ever-changing world that seems to constantly be shifting, how can we stand firm? It’s all about the roots! Hang on, because today we embark on a journey underground to discover what’s below the surface of a disciple and how we all can be Rooted.