

October 15 - November 12, 2017

Commitment Sunday: God is Able

November 12, 2017

Martin Luther King gave the ‘I Have a Dream’ speech, not the ‘I Have a Plan’ speech. - Simon Sinek Do you dream? Do you imagine? We worship a God who encourages us to dream and imagine “what could be.” Pastor Jon Palmer wraps up the NEXT series by encouraging us to understand that we worship a God who can do more than we imagine and who invites us to dream about what’s next.


November 5, 2017

We ask ourselves what we’re willing to sacrifice to get the job or promotion? What are we willing to sacrifice to make the team? What are we willing to sacrifice to have the house, car, or item we’ve always wanted? But when is the last time we asked “What am I willing to sacrifice for the Gospel to advance in my city, community, and beyond?” In this message, Pastor Jon Palmer talks about sacrificial giving and challenges us to step out in faith as we examine our own giving.

NEXT Phase

October 29, 2017

500 years ago this week, Martin Luther unintentionally started a movement that would change the church as we know it. At the heart of this movement, called the Reformation, was one central biblical teaching - everyone has access to God in Jesus and no one else. As Faith – Columbia steps out in faith asking, “What’s Next?” Pastor Jon Palmer shares that, because of Jesus, we have a way to be saved, a truth to share, and a life to live.

NEXT Generation

October 22, 2017

Did you know we have six different generations living in America right now? Each of these generations bring their own life-forming experiences, ideals, and world events. Pastor Jon Palmer sheds light on who the next generation is and why they are so important to the future of Faith – Columbia and “What’s NEXT?”

What's NEXT?

October 15, 2017

What’s next? It’s a question that we ask often in life. What’s next for this relationship? What’s next after this season of life? What’s next after my kids move out? What’s next for our world? In this first message of our new series, NEXT, Pastor Jon Palmer shares God’s vision for what’s next for Faith – Columbia and asks, “How is the Holy Spirit calling you to get involved?