

Seminarian Paul Dickerson

March 21, 2018

Throughout our series This Is US, we’ve looked at our identity - who we were and who we are. As we conclude this series tonight, we turn our eyes to the future and look at Daniel 12 to see who we will be. What is your destiny?

More from This is Us


March 14, 2018

Waaaaay back in Genesis 12, God made a promise to a man named Abraham, promising to make him "...a great http://nation...and in [him] all the families of the earth shall be blessed." Hundreds of years later, God still remembered this promise and kept it by delivering the Israelites (Abraham's descendants) out of slavery in Egypt. Today, thousands of years later, we remember that God still keeps His promises, and that we are delivered according to His purposes, too!

Down But Not Out

March 7, 2018

Triumph to defeat. Success to failure. Shortly after Elijah experienced victory over God’s enemies, he was forced to flee for his life. He was down and out. However, the same God who gave Elijah victory also sustained him in his deep depression.


February 28, 2018

Having seen last week that we can be deceived, this week we explore what it means to be dead in this deception. In Ezekiel we will see our inability to live apart from God, but because of God’s life-giving breath we become His children thanks to the gift of Jesus Christ.