
Who Do You Think You Are

Pastor Chris Sommer

October 7, 2018

“Who do you think you are?!?!” Ever said that to anyone? Ever said that to your kids? That phrase is generally used in the heat of an argument when we believe the other person needs to have their inflated sense of ego popped. They need to be knocked down a notch or two and reminded just who they are. That’s what we are doing today…we are being reminded of who we are. We are being reminded that who we are is better than we think…but maybe not for the reasons we think.

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Disciple-Making Parents

October 21, 2018

If someone asked you what the ultimate job of a parent is, what would you answer? The answer is found in some of Jesus’ last words in the gospel of Matthew. Your job is to do everything within your power, as an instrument in the hands of the Redeemer who has employed you, to woo, encourage, bring, call, and train your children to willingly and joyfully live as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. What does that look like? Let’s discover the answer today!

Stop Fooling Around!

“Stop fooling around!” Ever say that to your kids? Of course you have because you know what happens when people act like fools… things get broken and people get hurt. Today Pastor Chris is talking about what makes (you and) your child a fool and how to try and keep it from happening.

Who’s In Charge?

September 30, 2018

Who’s in charge? When it comes to your home (and your children if you have them) do you sometimes feel like the children are in charge? What do we actually understand about spiritual authority as it’s connected to the home? What role does Dad have? Mom? The children? How do we, as parents, operate “under” the Biblical and Godly authority delegated to us from God through Jesus Christ?