
The Gospel at Work

Pastor Chris Sommer

Today Pastor Chris discusses “The Gospel at Work.” What does it look like for the Gospel to be at work? Not just “at work” in that it is being taken to work…but what does it look like for the Gospel to be “at work” in that it is working. What does it look like for the Gospel to be at work in and through you, specifically at your place of employment? Let’s talk about it.

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The Rest of the Story

September 2, 2018

Today I (Pastor Chris) conclude the It’s Work message series by talking about rest. Let me just say right up front that, in some ways, many of you are better at resting than I am. I find it hard to relax and unwind. I have trouble sleeping through the night. My mind is always going. So what qualifies me to talk about the topic of rest? Well, that depends on how you define rest. Let’s talk about it.

The Blessings Discovered through Job Loss

August 26, 2018

Unemployment can be such a scary word. Losing a job, getting fir ed, laid off, or let go, and the prospect of lacking purpose, identity, position, and income is something most try to avoid. In this message we ask, “Can a gift from God be found in a season of unemployment? If so, what is it? Today we have the privilege of hearing from people who have gone through job loss and discovering the blessings that resulted from it. And finally, “Is there something we can do to support folks who are in a season of unemployment?”

What am I Called to Be?

August 19, 2018

“When I grow up I want to be a…” or “My dream job would be…” How would you have finished those sentences as a student or a child? Compare that to how you would finish those sentences today. Ever wonder if you are doing what you were created to do? Ever wonder what you were called to be? Ever wonder what God’s will for you is when faced with a career decision? Me too…so let’s talk about it. – Pastor Chris