FAITH Worship (11/19/2023): "Reconcile the Books" (Series: Malachi)
November 19, 2023 • Pastor Tim Byer • Malachi 3:6–12
We don't like to talk about money, but money sure does talk about us. How we give is not a reflection of our generosity but of our heart. God doesn't need our money, but He does want our heart.
FAITH Worship (11/26/2023): "Fear of the Lord" (Series: Malachi)
November 26, 2023 • Pastor Tim Byer • Malachi 3:13–18, Malachi 4
Most of our society has gone casual. Much to the chagrin of some church members, "proper" attire is no longer expected or usual. So, what does God require ... a proper outside or a proper inside? The beginning of wisdom is a fear (proper reverence) of God inside, not outside.
November 12, 2023 • Pastor Tim Byer • Malachi 2:10–16
Relationships, especially in the family, are the fabric of our society. They quite literally hold us together. The greatest of empires have fallen, not due to external threats, but the internal crumbling of this relational fabric. It is so important.
October 29, 2023 • Pastor Jeff Higgins • Malachi 1:6–14, Malachi 2:1–9
God chooses us. In the Old Testament, He chose a few for all to see. In the New Testament, He chooses all but only a few chose Him. His love is a choice. So is ours.
October 22, 2023 • Pastor Tim Byer • Malachi 1:1–5
God chooses us. In the Old Testament, He chose a few for all to see. In the New Testament, He chooses all but only a few chose Him. His love is a choice. So is ours.