FAITH Worship (11/10/24): "A User's Manual " (Series: I Beg Your Pardon)
November 10, 2024 • Pastor Tim Byer • Matthew 18
Unless we are willing to do some serious editing to the recorded words of Jesus, our willingness to extend forgiveness to others is of essential importance to how we prove the hold the gospel has in our lives. Since it is so important, let's get VERY practical and ask ourselves if we are living or even willing to live out true forgiveness.
FAITH Worship (11/03/24): "Love & Wrath " (Series: I Beg Your Pardon)
November 3, 2024 • Pastor Tim Byer • Matthew 18
Love is not the opposite of wrath. Wrath is love. Wrath is a protection and expression of love. Wrath is a protection of the Law ... which is Love. But where does that intersect with forgiveness? At the cross. Wrath and Love were both fully embodied and satisfied on that cross of wood by the Messiah.
FAITH Worship (10/27/24): "Forgiveness: What Is It? " (Series: I Beg Your Pardon)
October 27, 2024 • Pastor Tim Byer • Matthew 18
It's been said that "to err is human but to forgive is divine". We are much better at erring than forgiving because we forget what the Divine has done for us. Jesus' parable in Matthew 18 is not a fun or pretty picture. It cuts at all of us and makes us wonder if we are the unforgiving servant ... the one who has experienced lavish grace and yet holds the smallest grudges against our neighbors.