FAITH Worship (5/28/2023): "Conquerors" (Series: 8 in 8)
May 28, 2023 • Romans 8:35–37
How do you measure victory and success? Man has one measure - graduation, prizes, etc. God uses a much different measure.
FAITH Worship (5/21/2023): "Tethered to Love" (Series: 8 in 8)
May 21, 2023 • Romans 8:35–39
Children of God are forever tethered to the love of Jesus. We go, and it goes. We stay, and it stays. Jesus' love pulls us to action, should cause zero fear, but may result in great risk and sacrifice.
FAITH Worship (5/14/2023): "Trust" (Series: 8 in 8)
May 14, 2023 • Romans 8:31–34
Paul asks questions of the Roman Christians with one intent ... to strip away any hesitancy they had to "lay it all out on the line" for the sake of the Gospel and the lost world. What God has done for us and who He is doesn't leave us room to hold back.
FAITH Worship (5/7/2023): "Purpose" (Series: 8 in 8)
May 7, 2023 • Romans 8:25–30
Romans 8:28 is possibly the most beloved promise in all of scripture. Certainly in the Roman letter. It is not for everyone. However, to the Christ-follower, it is unbelievably marvelous.
FAITH Worship (4/30/2023): "Now and Later" (Series: 8 in 8)
April 30, 2023 • Romans 8:18–25
Our view of now must be viewed through the filter of what is to come. For the believer, suffering is not punishment, it is purification. Knowing that we are heirs, in God's strength we can endure it all.
FAITH Worship (4/23/2023): "Still a Child of God" (Series: 8 in 8)
April 23, 2023 • Romans 8:12–17
There is an inheritance coming. A massive inheritance. We receive it because we are made heirs. We are heirs because we have been made sons/daughters. We have been made sons/daughters because we have and continue to cry, ABBA ... Daddy!
FAITH Worship (4/16/2023): "Child of God" (Series: 8 in 8)
April 16, 2023 • Romans 5—11
Being a child of God means living up to our name. As a child of His family, we live by the Spirit and all that entails. What a blessing to be a child of God!
FAITH Worship (4/9/2023): "Diddly Squat " (Series: 8 in 8)
April 9, 2023 • Romans 1—4
There is NO condemnation! Seriously, none. Diddly squat! Now, without that burden of condemnation, we get to live as citizens of God's Kingdom while here in this kingdom. We get invited into something so much more significant and grand.