
The Book of Jonah

Jonah 4

February 2, 2020 • Vince Medrano

Speaker: Vince Medrano Why did Jonah run? The bewildering statement from Jonah to the Lord is that he fled from the Lord because he knew how God would respond to the repentance of Nineveh. Jonah is a prophet and is not ignorant to the ways of the Lord. We would think that this would cause him to run at the opportunity to be a part of the scene that takes place in Nineveh but it’s the opposite for Jonah. His knowledge of God causes him to run from God. The good news is that God doesn’t stop pursuing his wayward prophet. Today’s Scriptures: Jonah 4

Jonah 2

January 19, 2020 • Lorissa Medrano

The sea was a scary and dangerous place in the minds of the original readers. Humans and even the gods of the ancient near east saw the ocean and it’s depths as a threat. But the second chapter of Jonah shows a God who has complete power of the sea yet is in an epic battle over the heart of His prophet. Will this disobedient prophet make a change as he faces the depths of the oceans and his own death? Today’s Scriptures: Jonah 2

Jonah 1

January 12, 2020 • Vince Medrano

The Book of Jonah is bigger than a story about a big fish. Its an expertly crafted book that as we navigate we’ll find our destination is our own reflection and examination. Will we follow the way of this merciful and compassionate God who is slow to anger and filled with unfailing love? If we will then we must accept that this may lead us into spaces that we may initially want to run away from. Today’s Scriptures: Jonah 1