The Sovereign Lord wants you to respond rightly to who He is.
What do we need to understand about our Sovereign Lord in order to respond rightly to Him?
How Will you Respond to the Sovereign Lord?
May 5, 2024 • Jon Anderson • Amos 9
“The decline of the knowledge of the holy has brought on our troubles. A rediscovery of the majesty of God will go a long way toward curing them. It is impossible to keep our moral practices sound and our inward attitudes right while our idea of God is erroneous or inadequate. If we would bring back spiritual power to our lives, we must begin to think of God more nearly as He is.” —A.W. Tozer (The Knowledge of the Holy)
This is what the Prophet Amos attempted to do for the Jews of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. He wanted the Israelites to respond rightly to their Sovereign Lord.
The Sovereign Lord wants you to respond rightly to who He is.
What do we need to understand about our Sovereign Lord in order to respond rightly to Him?
A Basket of Overripe Fruit (Part 2)
April 28, 2024 • Jon Anderson • Amos 8
A Basket of Overripe Fruit
April 7, 2024 • Jon Anderson • Amos 8
In Amos 8 God sent Amos a fourth vision to show the people of Israel just how seriously God takes sin.
God wanted the Israelites to understand and see sin and all of its consequences as He sees it.
If we are to kill sin in our lives, then we must see sin as God sees it. We must understand just how serious sin is and look to change.
How do take sin as seriously as God?
Visions of Mercy & Judgement
March 24, 2024 • Jon Anderson • Amos 7
In chapters 7-9 we find five visions that the Lord shows the prophet Amos. Here in chapter 7 we are going to look at three of those five visions and how these visions put on display what effective ministry takes to accomplish. And we can learn a lot about the ministry God has called us to through the example of Amos. God wants all of us to be effective in ministry. What does the ministry that God has called us to involve?
The Danger of a Proud Heart (Pt 3)
March 17, 2024 • Jon Anderson • Amos 6:7–14
A proud heart results in arrogance and judgement.
The Danger of a Proud Heart (Pt 2)
March 10, 2024 • Jon Anderson • Amos 6
Excursus on the Biblical understanding of social justice.
The Danger of a Proud Heart
February 25, 2024 • Jon Anderson • Amos 6
Amos was warning the Israelites that if they did not repent of their proud hearts they would be face the judgement of God. If we are not careful to repent of our proud hearts we too will face the judgment of God. Why is pride so serious to God? Why is this sin such a big deal to God? What are some of the consequences of having a proud heart?
The Danger of Unacceptable Worship (Pt 2)
February 18, 2024 • Jon Anderson • Amos 5:25–27
Four characteristics of unacceptable worship (Pt 2).
The Danger of Unacceptable Worship
February 11, 2024 • Jon Anderson • Amos 5:25–27
Did you know that God says there is such a thing as acceptable and unacceptable worship? Offering God unacceptable worship is one of the most dangerous things you can do.
How can we carefully examine the quality of our worship? What standard does God use to judge whether or not our worship is acceptable in His sight?
The Danger of Compartmentalized Spirituality
February 4, 2024 • Jon Anderson • Amos 5:21–24
What does it mean to compartmentalize our faith? It means we begin to live our lives according to two different sets of rules. It means we try to have our cake and eat it too. We try to have things both ways. How? By compartmentalizing our faith. On Sundays we live according one set of rules—God’s rules. But, come Monday we follow a very different set of rules—the world’s.
The Danger of Theological Error & False Hopes
January 7, 2024 • Jon Anderson • Amos 5:18–20
Amos is looking to correct some grave theological errors that instilled in Israel false hopes and that enabled the continuation of their sinful behavior.
We must be careful to correct our own theological errors so that we don’t have false hopes and so that we don’t continue in our sinful behavior.
What woes or warnings do we need to understand this morning in order to correct our own potentially erroneous theological errors?
Seek the Lord and Live (Pt 2)
Jon Anderson • Amos 5:1–17
Amos 5 is the Lord’s attempt to cause a stiff necked and hard hearted people to turn from their sin and seek Him. How do you get a hard hearted person to seek the Lord How does the Lord motivate hard hearted people to seek Him?
All of us need to seek the Lord more than we currently are seeking. All of us have hard stubborn hearts. All of us, because of our sinful natures, are incurably disinclined to seek the Lord!
Seeking the Lord is not something that you do by coming forward during an invitation and completely surrender. And now that you’ve done that your good. Seeking the Lord is a life-long struggle. And all of us need to seek Him more!
Seek the Lord and Live
December 3, 2023 • Jon Anderson • Amos 5
Amos 5 is the Lord’s attempt to cause a stiff necked and hard hearted people to turn from their sin and seek Him. How do you get a hard hearted person to seek the Lord? How does the Lord motivate hard hearted people to seek Him?
Prepare to Meet Your God (Part 2)
November 26, 2023 • Jon Anderson • Amos 4
Why does God summon some people to face His judgement? Amos gives us four reasons why you might soon face the judgement of God for your sin. Part 2