
Our Future Unimaginable Glory

The Expectant Hope of the Believer

July 30, 2023 • Jon Anderson • Romans 8:18–25

The future glory of the believer is wonderfully good! It is so good we CANNOT imagine it!

The problem is that it seems almost fictional to us. How do we overcome this? If we cannot imagine the good, then how do we act in faith upon it? The answer is- we trust every word that comes from God.

At the end of the day all we have is God’s word that the best is yet to come. Do we really trust God’s words about our future glory? How can we tell? Paul gives us four tests so that we can know if we are trusting God’s words about our future glory.

Have You Been Persuaded?

September 3, 2023 • Jon Anderson • Romans 8:35–39

Paul wanted these Roman believers to be persuaded that nothing could separate them from the love of Christ in order to propel their obedience. ​ Genuine trust in the reality that you cannot be separated from the love of Christ is essential for godly living, determined endurance, and eager obedience. ​ Why must we be persuaded?

Irrefutable Assurance

August 27, 2023 • Jon Anderson • Romans 8:31–34

Our salvation is eternally secure, not on the basis of our work or our ability, but on the mighty working of God. And if we will just follow Paul’s argument, if we will work it out for ourselves, then we will come away with hearts that are overwhelmed by the grace of God, and abundantly confident in the promise of God and that kind of confidence in doctrine will fuel and propel us by means of love for God to serve Him like we have never done so before. ​

Learning to Trust God in our Weakness

August 20, 2023 • Jon Anderson • Romans 8:26–30

In vv. 18-30 Paul now describes the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of GLORY. We can have assurance because of the ministry of the Holy Spirit who guarantees future unimaginable glory for the children of God. ​ What truths must we lean our full weight into so that we fully trust God even when He permits suffering in our lives?