December 29, 2024 • Greg Burdine • Hebrews 4:12, 2 Timothy 3:16–17, James 1:22–25
The Bible is much more than just a book. It's a living, breathing story of God's love, redemption and purpose for humanity. When we read the Bible consistently, we open our hearts to encounter God daily. Why should you read the Bible?
1. To grow closer to God. (Hebrews 4:12)
2. To understand the full story of redemption.
3. To equip yourself spiritually. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
4. To experience consistency and transformation. (James 1:22)
God's Word will guide you and help you navigate life with clarity, hope and peace. Join the journey!
Finding Forgiveness
September 15, 2024 • Greg Burdine • Psalm 51
As we ponder the church's 51st anniversary, it is a reminder of David's plea for mercy, forgiveness, and cleansing in Psalm 51. We all sin and need a Savior. Rather than hide our sin, if we confess our sin, God will forgive us. We learn three truths about sin.
1. Sin hurts the sinner.
2. Sin hurts others.
3. Sin hurts God.
No sin is too great to be forgiven.
The Purpose of our Church
September 8, 2024 • Greg Burdine • Matthew 28:19–20, Matthew 22:37–40
Why does our church exist? Why should every church exist? We can discover from Jesus and the early church five distinct reasons for the church. Once we realize why, we will better uncover how.
1. Worship: Expressing love to God.
2. Fellowship: Loving other Christians deeply.
3. Discipleship: Growing toward Christlikeness.
4. Ministry: Serving Christ by serving others.
5. Mission: Leading others to the saving knowledge of Jesus.
Five Core Values of Faith Baptist Church:
Focus on God.
Authority of God's Word.
Intentional evangelism.
Transformational learning.
Help family and friendships.