
Beth Moore 2019

The Beth Moore Simulcast is Sat. Oct. 5 from 9:30am - 4:15 pm. This nationally known author and conference speaker is an annual event at FAC and is open to women as well as men.
Tickets are $20 before Sep. 15 and $25 after the date.
Tickets can be purchased here and will be available for pick up at the Information Center the following Sunday from their purchase. You may also stop by the church during normal business hours M-F 8:30-4:30 and either pick them up or purchase them directly.
All tickets not picked up will be held as "Will Call" at the Information Center the day of the event.

All tickets will be held in the name of the purchaser, this includes multiple tickets.

Once you are in the secured area, Indicate the amount of your "gift". It defaults to $20, but you can increase depending on the number of tickets desired. You will receive a response thanking you for your "Donation".

Not to worry, we have your name and your tickets will be waiting for you to pick up.