
Loaves and Fishes

Wilkes Blvd UMC

January 31, 2024
3:00 - 6:15pm

Fairview cooks and serves the evening meal at Loaves and Fishes every fifth Wednesday. We are serving the meal at Loaves and Fishes Wednesday, January 31st. Mark Chambers will get the key and open the kitchen at 3 PM. We need two people to work together as couriers to bring food from the Fairview Kitchen to the Loaves and Fishes Kitchen - ensuring the food arrives at 3 PM to be heated in the Loaves and Fishes Kitchen. To help set up and heat the food arrive at 3 PM. To help with serving food arrive at 3:45 PM. To help with clean up arrive by 5 PM. We need Fifteen (15) Baked Zitis (9x13 pan), Seven (7) Number 10 cans of green beans, 15 bags of tangerines, a big can of coffee, a big container of powdered lemonade. The dessert will be cookies from Little Bethlehem. Feel free to use your own baked ziti recipe. Please use ground beef so there is consistency for preference/allergies Please sign up in the Narthex or online today! If you would like to be reimbursed for purchases, please attach your receipt to a reimbursement form in the church office.