
Loved & Lovely

FAC Southwest

May 5, 2024 • James Paton • 1 John 4:7–21, 1 Corinthians 13

It doesn't matter where you're from, what you believe, or how old you are; as humans, we all want and need to be loved. Jesus on the cross isn't just a sign of how loved we are; it gives us the reason and ability to be more loving, too. Are we ready to let His sacrifice make us better at extending love?

Winning & Losing

April 28, 2024 • James Paton • Colossians 2:6–15

Everyone loves a good win. It’s fun to celebrate a victory! But what about the side that loses? Sometimes, even a loser can turn out to be the winner in the end ... How does Jesus giving up everything to die on the cross —the ultimate loss—become a symbol of life and triumph?

Judged & Judging

April 21, 2024 • Kyle Trigg • Romans 3:21–26, Genesis 15:12–18

In a world filled with evil, it’s easy to feel the ache for justice, fairness, and peace. But if we want all evil to be eradicated, where do we draw the line? We’re not off the hook. So what’s the solution? Jesus promises that justice will be done — but how?

Cycles & Circles

April 14, 2024 • Kyle Trigg • Romans 5:12–21

We inherit a lot from our genes and our environment—habits, hobbies, even our looks! It’s easy to think we're in control of our destiny and that it’s all up to us. How did one person mess things up for everyone? How is this cycle of sin broken? Can one person really bring us into a new circle of wholeness?