
Teach us to pray - Unlocking the power of prayer.

April 29, 8:30pm - June 24, 2024 9:00pm
11 spots remaining

This prayer group is for anyone who wants to grow in their relationship with Jesus and unlock the power of prayer.

We will go on a journey together through the Lord's Prayer. Pete Greig, an amazing Christian leader on prayer, created the fantastic materials we will be using. We will discover a ‘toolbox’ to help strengthen our prayers.

Our group will receive a short video to watch each week, ahead of the session (You may wish to watch this just before the session begins or whenever suits you). We hope the key messages will inspire a relaxed conversation and a time of prayer together.

There is a book by Pete Greig, How to Pray, which you may find helpful and a ‘tool shed’ library at prayercourse.org.