
The Two Kingdoms

June 8, 2024 • Steele Croswhite

Each day, we are faced with hundreds, if not thousands of pressing cultural issues. They call us to respond. With eager eyes, we look to the election in hopes that this will lead to real opportunity for change. But, when we are honest, we’ve seen continued ongoing disunity despite which political party is in office. The narrative becomes: “When the other party is no longer in office, we will find solutions to the problems, because the problem starts with them. Or, inversely, as long as my party stays in power, we will prevent complete catastrophe.”

The country is in war over: gender/sexual equality/sexuality, the racial divide, climate, sexism, abortion/women’s right to choose/pro-life, the election, gun control, immigration. How are we to act? How are we to speak? How are we to engage with our world? As a Church, how are we to speak with one another? Is the solution found in a political party? How does Jesus want you to engage with Him on these types of important cultural conversations?

Part One

King Jesus Series

“The Two Kingdoms"

Pastor Steele Croswhite

June 8 & 9, 2024


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