
Week of Fasting & Prayer (Onsite)

Level 12A, Audi 2

September 3, 2024
8:00 - 9:00pm

We will be entering our 3rd cycle of EPCC's Week of Prayer and Fasting. Why Fast and pray?

Because we want to grow this year to be more sensitive to the spirit of God in our daily lives.

Therefore, we strongly encourage you to prepare your hearts and mind to dedicate the week of 2nd to 8th of September unto the Lord.

During this week of Prayer and Fasting, we will be gathering at 8pm

1.⁠ ⁠ONSITE on TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY for a time of Encountering God in worship and in prayer in Audi 2

  2. ONLINE on THURSDAY via Zoom to pray together

  3. ONSITE on FRIDAY for A Night of Worship in this Auditorium

Let us with one heart and mind hunger and desire for a fresh move of the Holy Spirit in our personal relationship with Jesus, our families, our church and for Malaysia. All prayer items and scripture meditation is made available in our EPCC App for this entire week of Prayer and Fasting.