
Day 4

Wake Up

Ephesians 5

Read Ephesians 5
“Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” — Ephesians 5:14

Have you ever heard of the wake-up light? If you have a hard time getting up when you’re supposed to and have worn out the snooze button of your alarm clock, this might interest you. A wake-up light is a lamp with alarm clock functions designed to simulate the sun rising in your darkened room. The artificial dawn created by this device triggers our brain’s natural response to sunlight and wakes us up.

Anyone who has ever woken up because someone turned on the light in their room while they were sleeping knows that light can wake us up. The only way to avoid this is to find ways to keep the light out and stay in darkness. We have to intentionally choose darkness if we want to go back to sleep.

Jesus is the light of the world that shines on us. He wakes us up from our sin and rouses us to a new life—a life of pleasing the One who delivered us from darkness to light. In him, we were transported from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light. The more we expose ourselves to his glorious light, the more we bear the fruit of goodness, righteousness, and truth in our lives. Who would want to hit the snooze button and miss out on all of that?

1. Read Ephesians 5:1. What does it mean to be “imitators of God, as beloved children?”

2. List the “unfruitful works of darkness” that Paul mentioned in Ephesians 5:3–20. Ask the Holy Spirit to “wake you up” to sin behaviors or attitudes that he wants you to turn away from so you could walk toward more of his will.

3. What one thing will you change today as a result of what the Holy Spirit has revealed to you through this study?

*Pray to Be Rooted in Love*

“So I ask . . . that you, [be] rooted and grounded in love.” — Ephesians 3:13, 17

Heavenly Father, let me be rooted in your affection for me. Remind me of my identity in Christ. Let me not be swayed by my feelings or the circumstances around me. Anchor me in your truth. Help me grasp the breadth, length, height, and depth of your love. The more I reflect on what you have done for me at the cross, the more I realize that your act of sacrifice surpasses comprehension. Let your compassion overflow and move me to love others as you have loved me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

“Oh, the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus”
Samuel Trevor Francis (1875)

Oh, the deep, deep love of Jesus,
vast, unmeasured, boundless, free!
Rolling as a mighty ocean
in its fullness over me!
Underneath me, all around me,
is the current of thy love—
leading onward, leading homeward,
to that glorious rest above!

Oh, the deep, deep love of Jesus—
spread his praise from shore to shore!
How he loves us, ever loves us,
changes never, nevermore!
How he watches o’er his loved ones,
died to call them all his own;
how for them he’s interceding,
watching o’er them from the throne!

Oh, the deep, deep love of Jesus,
love of every love the best!
‘Tis an ocean vast of blessing,
‘tis a haven sweet of rest!
Oh, the deep, deep love of Jesus—
‘tis heaven of heavens to me;
and it lifts me up to glory,
for it lifts me up to thee!

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