
Attention (Beyond Generous Part 4)

March 5, 2023 • Joshua Sisco • 2 Corinthians 9:1–5

Everwell Live | Attention (Beyond Generous Part 4)

Sermon series in 2 Corinthians 8-9. "Beyond Generous" will highlight how being generous isn’t something Jesus followers do, but who we are. How a God so generous, gives his life creating a people & a culture of radical generosity. We'll explore what makes for a generous person, church, and lifestyle. 

Join us as we learn to go beyond simply giving up financial wealth and embracing the ultimate act of generosity - laying down our lives for one another. 

 9am pre-service prayer "Pre-service prayer is a time to invite the Spirit of God to work and speak to our church before the worship service. Everyone is invited to this from leaders to new believers. Everwell believers God does nothing except in response to believing prayer. 

 10am gathering! What to expect: We will have coffee and donuts for you as you enter. We start with worship and praise, a teaching, communion, and then we end with an invitation to receive prayer. We can't wait for you to join us! 

2100 Mariners Drive, Newport Beach. 10am. 

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 9:00am pre-service prayer 

Pre-service prayer is a time to invite the Spirit of God to work and speak to our church before the worship service. Everyone is invited to this from leaders to new believers. Everwell believers God does nothing except in response to believing prayer.

 10am gathering! 

What to expect: We will have coffee and donuts for you as you enter. We start with worship and praise, a teaching, communion, and then we end with an invitation to receive prayer. We can't wait for you to join us!

2100 Mariners Drive, Newport Beach. 10am.