
Down on the Field: When A Referee Refuses to Give Up

Randy Jeffers | The Grove

April 11, 2024

Randy Jeffers was a high school football referee for 48 years until a series of unexpected health tragedies took his career from him. Though he placed his faith in Jesus as a child, this season would test him beyond what he thought possible. In the last 15 years of his life Randy has faced extreme injury, the journey to recovery, restoration to his former post, and then the sudden ripping away of his beloved career.

What do you do when everything you have worked in and for over the past several decades is no longer in front of you? What do you do when the hardship seems to come again and again and again with no end in sight? Listen in as Randy shares his journey with us.

Receiving God’s Special Assignment

June 17, 2024

“Why God? Why me? Why us? Why our son?” Few things are more gut wrenching than the heart cry of a parent watching their newborn child fight to live. As Jeremy and Heidi Warren found out, God sometimes gives us more than we can handle, but walks with us through it all and sees us through to the other side where we are able to find purpose, meaning, and growth.

Letting Go and Letting God: The Path of Discipleship

June 3, 2024

What is discipleship and why does the Bible make such a big deal about it? How do you do discipleship? These are questions AJ Gonzalez stumbled into as he found himself chasing his purpose in life. As a kid, he tried to make the best of his situation until profound loss broke him. Listen in as AJ talks about the power of letting go of your past and letting God take control of your life.

Betrayed and Broken: A Couples Road to Redemption

May 20, 2024

Betrayal. Brokenness. Barely hanging on. For Craig and Dawn Adams these words hit a little too close to home when describing the early days of their marriage. Can people change? Can you change your spouse? Is it all the other’s fault? Craig and Dawn found their answers, but it wasn’t easy or quick. Now their marriage looks different. Love. Forgiveness. Support. Full of hope.