
1 Samuel 11 || A Savior-King!

May 12, 2024 • Jacob Collins • 1 Samuel 11

Samuel has anointed Saul and announced him to the twelve tribes as Israel's first king. "Long live the king!" But last week's passage ended with an ominous cliffhanger:

But some worthless fellows said, "How can this man (Saul) save us?"

Chapter 11 begins with an enemy invasion of one of the young kingdom’s outlying territories. This passage provides a real-time answer to that rhetorical question....but the answer isn't obvious.

Saul will get a second chance to embrace God's call and commission. Will he make the most of this do-over, or will he make the same mistake as last week?

1 Samuel 13 || Saul The Fool

May 26, 2024 • Don Logan • 1 Samuel 13

In I Samuel 13 our King Saul is finally ready to step into obedience and clear the Philistines out of the Promised Land. It starts out very well, and he goes to Gilgal to wait 7 days on Samuel as directed.  Maybe Saul is our guy after all! But what happens when things get worse after obeying God? What happens when Samuel doesn't arrive in a timely fashion? What happens when his troops begin to desert him?

1 Samuel 12 || Samuel's Priestly Ministry

May 19, 2024 • Don Logan • 1 Samuel 12

In I Samuel 12 we experience the height of Samuel's priestly ministry to God's people. Samuel explains God's faithfulness and brings the Hebrew nation to their knees in repentance and regret. But it's what he shares with them after this moment that will give them (and all of us) hope for a flourishing future beyond, and maybe even because of their (our) past sins.

1 Samuel 10 || Long Live The King!

May 5, 2024 • Don Logan • 1 Samuel 10

Saul has been called and identified to kingship by the prophet of God.  So now Samuel shares a path with Saul that will bring him more personal confirmation of his calling, and also provide an opportunity to initiate his role of protector, captain and savior of his people.  Will Saul embrace his role, or will he avoid and abandon his calling?