
Reverse Course

Haggai 1:12-15

January 10, 2021 • Brian Watts

Martin Luther famously wrote that the entire life of a Christian is one of repentance. To repent is to turn around, to reverse course. Our hearts are prone to wander from God, to rebel against his ways and to mix up our priorities. So there is a constant need for repentance, for reversing course. In this message we are challenged to live a life of repentance, and we are encouraged that God has made change possible.

Consider Your Ways

December 27, 2020 • Brian Watts

It is the last Sunday of 2020 and most of us are ready for the year to be over and to move on to 2021. But before 2021 starts let's slow down and consider our lives. The book of Haggai is so helpful. In two chapters, the book repeats this phrase 4 times: "consider your ways." This message will help you consider your priorities and your next steps as you head into 2021.