Leading People to Become All-In Followers of Jesus.
A City Of Leaders
July 30, 2017 • Pastor Mark Rouse
Typically, we don't see ourselves as leaders. We don't think we have the title, position or power to change the world. But leadership isn't really about those things. True leadership has everything to do with influence. We don't even have to be the best at something to change the world; we just need to care the most. Overcome the things that keep you from realizing your leadership potential and start influencing your world today.
YouVersion Bible app users can access the notes here: https://www.bible.com/events/256134
Let us know how we can pray for you or about any next step you're taking today: http://goo.gl/forms/60j0rtbmsikjtaxj1
A Growing City
July 23, 2017 • Pastor Mark Rouse
The early church grew larger and larger every day as more and more people put their faith in Jesus. Despite challenges and persecution, the message of Jesus went viral because his followers maintained a faithful witness in what they said and how they lived. We experience a tension when sharing about Jesus in our culture. But if we use wisdom, the message of Jesus could spread as effectively today as it did back then. Discover what to share and how to be wise when sharing about Jesus.
YouVersion Bible app users can access the notes here: http://bible.com/events/247899
Let us know how we can pray for you or about any next step you're taking today: http://goo.gl/forms/60j0rtbmsikjtaxj1
A Healthy City
July 16, 2017 • Pastor Mark Rouse
A healthy church is characterized by selflessness, forgiveness and unity. These qualities are not only attractive but they also allow the world to know the love of Jesus. But the health of a church is directly related to the spiritual health of its people. Discover how to identify and develop a healthy faith.
YouVersion Bible app users can access the notes here: https://www.bible.com/events/253014
Let us know how we can pray for you or about any next step you're taking today: http://goo.gl/forms/60j0rtbmsikjtaxj1
A Serving City
July 9, 2017 • Pastor Mark Rouse
Epic Church exists to lead people to become all-in followers of Jesus. But how do we do that? What's that mean for each person at our church? When we talk about vision, a metaphor we like to use is our "future city," and one of the things we see in our future is a serving city. At Epic, we try to be contributors instead of consumers so that our generosity will influence our region for Jesus. Discover how we become a serving city.
YouVersion Bible app users can access the notes here: http://bible.com/events/243689
Let us know how we can pray for you or about any next step you're taking today: http://goo.gl/forms/60j0rtbmsikjtaxj1