
Health First

First Part 3 - January 15, 2017

January 15, 2017 • Pastor Mark Rouse

Many of us aren’t happy with our bodies. We want to lose weight, stop a bad habit, or eat a healthier diet; and this is the time of year we try to do something about it. But what if the key to the physical changes we want are actually some spiritual choices we need to make? Our bodies were created not for our gratification but God’s glorification. Understanding this truth leads us to wanting to honor God with our bodies. Discover some spiritual steps to take that lead us to physical health.

YouVersion Bible app users can access the notes here: https://www.bible.com/events/154850

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Others First

January 22, 2017 • Pastor Mark Rouse

It's easy to look out for number one, to think of ourselves first. And often our life is focused on our personal status and comfort. But Jesus inescapably calls his followers to put others first. Serving isn't always easy or convenient, but it builds character. Discover what it means to be a servant and how to live an others-first life. YouVersion Bible app users can access the notes here: https://www.bible.com/events/156815

The Order Matters

January 1, 2017 • Pastor Mark Rouse

When a new year begins, it’s natural to evaluate the one that just ended. We measure where we are against where we want to be, and we think about what adjustments we want to make for the future. But of all the evaluations and changes we can make, there’s one we should make first: our spiritual life. Discover how to live a God-first life and get ready to experience the best spiritual year of your life. YouVersion Bible app users can access the notes here: https://www.bible.com/events/147956

Pray First

January 8, 2017 • Pastor Mark Rouse

Fifty percent of Americans pray every day, and many of us would say it’s important. But many of us struggle with prayer, and we just have this sense that there’s more to prayer than we’re currently experiencing in our lives. So what can we do? Well, we can commit to making prayer our first response instead of our last resort. We can also allow fasting to enhance our prayers. Discover some reasons why God calls us to fast and the difference it makes in our relationship with him. YouVersion Bible app users can access the notes here: http://bible.com/events/147988