
The Judge is in the House

Matthew 25:31-46

February 26, 2017 • Frank Winans


1. What is one thing that you remember from the message on Sunday that spoke to you?

2. How have you journeyed through trying to understand why God allows evil to exist on earth? Did the sermon on Sunday bring some clarity to your understanding of this topic, if so, how?

3. Read 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 Ephesians 2:8-9, how have we been reconciled to God and what happened so that God doesn't count our sins against us?

4. Read Matthew 25-31-46, on what basis are people divided into sheep and goats? How does our treatment of others speak to our beliefs, and character of who we really are?

5. If Jesus was to today and evaluate your life, what would he say about how you have "looked after" him by caring for others.