

Jesus on the Water

April 5, 2020 • Jason Carson


Read Matthew 14:22-36. What is God’s Word saying to you in this passage? What is God’s heart for His people?

As you read through the passage, you can see that the disciples are living life in the unknown (i.e. Jesus asked them to go somewhere they didn’t understand, they were alone, afraid, caught in a storm, wondering where Jesus was, tired, exhausted, etc). Write down or share how you feel in those seasons of life. How do you respond? How do you treat others around you? How is your faith in those times? What is one or two things Jesus would want us to do in those situations?

What do you fear and doubt most in life? How could faith help in those times?
In what way are you supposed to get out of the boat and come to Jesus? What distractions are keeping you from that?

What are a few practical ways you can fix your eyes more on Jesus every day, so that you can recognize Him in the storms and trials of life?

Journal a time where you saw God’s faithfulness in the midst of the storm.

Further verses to study on trusting God: Joshua 1:9, Ps. 9:10, 28:7, 37:4-6, 46:10, Prov. 3:5-6, Isaiah 26:3, 41:10, Matt. 6:25, John 14:1, Rom. 15:13, Phil. 4:6-7, Heb. 11:6