
Matthew 26:30-56 The Heavy Cup and the Mission

Matthew 26:30-56

March 12, 2017 • Jason Carson


Read Matthew 26:30-56. What is God’s Word saying to you in this passage? What is God’s heart for His people?

If Jesus told your entire Together group, that you will all fall away on this very night, what would your response be? Would you agree, argue, question, or justify?

Peter said he would “never” fall away, no matter what anyone else did, even if he had to die. Have you ever felt like this? Share about a time in your relationship with Jesus where you felt stronger than ever.

Read 1 Cor. 10:12 and Romans 12:3. What does this say about your susceptibility in your faith? And then read 1 Peter 5:6-11. Discuss how you should approach your dealings with temptation and sin.

Jesus agonized in the garden about the cup the Father had prepared for Him. It was a cup of suffering where Jesus would take the sins of the world upon Himself. We read that Jesus went to the Father 3 different times to see if there was any other way than to go through the cross. Why was it necessary?

How has (Godly) suffering existed in your life? Describe some major things you have walked through in life, and what is currently going on that the Lord is calling you to suffer for Him?