
Be Prepared

Matthew 25:1-13

February 12, 2017 • Jason Carson


Read Matthew 25:1-13. What is God’s Word saying to you in this passage? What is God’s heart for His people?

In the parable of the 10 virgins, why do you think half of them came unprepared?

The half that were unprepared figured they would have plenty of time to go out and get more oil before the bridegroom returned. What things (spiritually) do you put off for “another day” in your relationship with God? What areas of your life do you know you need to grow spiritually in, that you have been avoiding?

Read 1 Peter 2:9-10 and 1 John 3:1-2. Discuss your identity in Christ. How does knowing these things affect the way you live? Your thinking? Your actions?

Read Phil. 3:8-10. In your own words, how would you say you want to “know Christ more?”

What are several ways we can be prepared for the Lord’s return? What “vital signs” should be happening and what should our spiritual temperature look like?

What are some spiritual things you need to press into this week?