
From Roe to Revival... Lou Engle Shares What's Next - Prophetic Word for TODAY

Lou Engle, Bishop Alan DiDio

In this video, Brother Lou Engle shares his thoughts on the overturning of Roe V Wade and the prophetic significance of what is next. There is a great communion revival coming that will wash the nations in the blood of Jesus!
We have seen a revival of the laying on of hands, and of water baptism, but there is one final piece of this end times revival puzzle that is about to be released.

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----- Lou Engle's Social Links -----
Website: https://louengle.com/
Register for Communion Colorado: https://communioncolorado.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LouEngle22/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lou.engle/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/LouEngleMin...
There are moments in history when a door for massive change opens. Great revolutions for good or for evil occur in the vacuums created by these openings. It is in these times that key men and women, even entire generations, risk everything to become the hinge of history, that pivotal point that determines which way the door will swing. We in America have been thrust into such a defining moment. This socially convulsed post-Roe era puts a demand upon the church in every state to seize the moment, fill the vacuum, and lead the parade of history. But Colorado, the state that gave us Promise Keepers, AD2000, and many amazing churches, movements, and ministries that have touched the globe, with what will you fill the vacuum now?

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--- More Resources to Feed Your Faith ---
1. 100 Year-Old Prophecy about Azuza Street with Lou Engle: https://youtu.be/VBzHBf4-QtE
2. The War has Shifted - URGENT Prophetic Word: https://youtu.be/0nS0dPmO3bs
3. A Supernatural Vision of America - Jessi Green: https://youtu.be/HxUL2cE9ruE
4. Pentecostal Fire IS FALLING - Prophetic Word from Larry Sparks: https://youtu.be/qDx3USceqWI
5. Playlist FULL of Videos About Revival: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhU_K...
6. Interviews WIth Mario Murillo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKoK5...
7. Defining Moments in Revival History - Interview with Jennifer Miskov: https://youtu.be/8kaDQ2d5Gtc
8. Understanding End Time Events by Charles Capps – Interview with Annette Capps: https://youtu.be/o6J9eJgm1hI
9. Why Revivals FAIL - Prophetic Word from Lou Engle: https://youtu.be/FUIL4A2doYA
10. Lester Sumrall's Prophetic Warning (Rare): https://youtu.be/DxAlaDkKk7I

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