
Day 22 "You Are Capable"

"100 Days of Believing Bigger" devotional shared by Pastor McCall Dwyer

April 18, 2024 • Pastor McCall Dwyer

Welcome back to Leading and Loving Life with Jesus! Today, we're delving into Day 22 of the enriching devotional series, "100 Days of Believing Bigger" by Marshawn Evans Daniels, shared by McCall Dwyer. Join us as we explore the theme of "You Are Capable" and discover the empowering truth of our identity in Christ.

Day 22 reminds us that knowing who we are in Christ is essential for walking in victory. As daughters of the Most High God, we are His custom creation, fearfully and wonderfully made. It's crucial to understand and believe what His Word says about us and to take this truth into every aspect of our lives. Remember, you are loved and capable of fulfilling God's purposes for your life.

Take a moment to reflect on your identity in Christ. How does understanding your identity as a beloved daughter of God empower you to walk in victory? Consider how embracing this truth can transform your mindset and perspective on life's challenges. Let Marshawn Evans Daniels' words inspire you to step boldly into the truth of who you are in Christ and live out your God-given purpose with confidence and assurance.

As we conclude Day 22 of "100 Days of Believing Bigger," let's affirm the truth that we are capable because of who we are in Christ. May we embrace our identity as daughters of the Most High God and walk confidently in His love and power. Remember, you are loved, valued, and equipped to fulfill God's purposes for your life.

Thank you for joining us today on Leading and Loving Life with Jesus. Stay tuned for more inspiring episodes as we continue to journey together in faith and purpose. God bless!