
Psalm 4: Prayer

August 2, 2020 • Klarc Korver

Psalm 4 encourages us, despite what's happening all around us, to pray that God would change what's happening inside of us. We can relate to the Psalmist in that there seems to be chaos all around yet the Psalmist, Jesus, and Paul focus on genuine heart change.

Psalm 105: Rejoice, Remember, & Respond

August 30, 2020 • Ken Korver

What would our country/world be like if we actually followed the 10 commandments?

Psalm 119: The Word Leads to Light & Life

August 23, 2020 • Klarc Korver

Psalm 119:105-112 reminds us that God's Word guides us and helps us orient ourselves in a disoriented world. The Psalm also reminds us that life is extremely hard yet in the midst of the hardship we're to be committed to God and his word because he's been committed to us.

The Antidote to Fear & Anxiety

August 16, 2020 • Ken Korver

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore WE WILL NOT FEAR." Psalm 46:1-2a