
Follow the Directions

January 28, 2024 • Pastor Thomas-Steele Carr • Proverbs 29:18

In the sermon "Follow the Directions" by Pastor Thomas Steele, the central message resonates the profound significance of having a vision in life and walking in the direction instructed by God to accomplish true happiness. The basis of the sermon was Proverbs 29:18 which indicates in the absence of vision, man is likely to lead a life that is haphazard and unrestrained. Pastor Steele pointed out that God's vision, as revealed in His word, should be the primary compass guiding our lives. He underscored the importance of discerning where our visions come from, suggesting that a mere good vision may not suffice when one could strive for a God-given vision. Pastor Thomas Steele emphasized that God's vision is not about setting and striving towards worldly goals, rather it is about seeking His divine guidance and revelations. He challenged the mainstream belief identifying happiness with fulfilling desires and leading a wild life. Instead, he proposed that following God's law is the actual pathway to attaining happiness. It's suggested that the relentless chase of pleasure results in becoming slaves to sinful tendencies and heading towards destruction. The path to happiness lies not in succumbing to worldly cravings, but in seeking and adhering to God's direction. The audience was encouraged to seek this divine guidance through studying and reading God's word - the Bible. The discourse concluded by reminding the listeners that seeking God's guidance and abiding by it may not be easy or convenient, but it is a crucial measure for true happiness.

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