

Living in the Land of Lies

August 27, 2023 • JR Blanton

To finish off the “Lies” series JR provides us with a message of what living in the land of lies looks like. We can be pulled away from God and His community because the lies we live in seek to isolate us. Lies we live in are repetitive and find a way of becoming a cycle in our lives that only living under the Lordship of Jesus can break. We see in scripture that we can return to Jesus the lies that we’ve lived in and around can be used for His good.

The Lie About Our Goodness

August 20, 2023 • Jeremy Jenkins

This week in the series "lies" Jeremy exposes a lie that has permeated through the generations of Christianity. There is this belief that at our core humans are basically good. This lies permeance has led many christians to walk with hubris rather than with God as Noah had in his day. We see in scripture that Noah was set apart by his obedience and pursuit to walk with God. Goodness of our own accord is not what the Lord desires but a relationship which naturally overflows with the fruit of the Spirit.

Shut the door, keep out the devil

August 13, 2023 • Neil Perry

Neil continues our series on lies this week. We look in scripture and see how cunning the enemy can be in convincing us. We have to be careful to not open the door to the enemy with our actions and words. The sins that we repeat and the words that we speak cause death when we allow them. To protect ourselves we need to be in the word so that truth is written in our hearts.

Lies You've Been Told

August 6, 2023 • JR Blanton

To kick off our series on lies JR expounds from the scripture what is truth. We find in Psalms that the Lord is our shepherd as David expounds. The Lord has intentions of being in such an intimate relationship with each of us that the lies of the enemy cannot overcome it. The enemy has all intentions of creating or increasing any separation that there is between us and the Lord. However, the Lord has overcome the world and any separation we see or feel is just a lie that has no power until we believe it.