The 3 steps to the path of deliverance: 1. Whole hearted commitment to God 2. Turning away from idols 3. You must believe God will Deliver
Approach him Boldly (the confidence is not in your ability, it’s in the God you serve!) Approach him Purposely (to obtain mercy and to find grace) Approach him timely (anytime you’re in need)
Highlights: - Peninnah would provoke Hannah due to her barrenness - It’s possible to go through so much in life, that you can’t see your favored by God - There is a need for healthy tension in your life - In order for you to grow there has to be some resistance - You may look like a Christian but it doesn’t mean you can weather storms - God is strengthening you through healthy tension in your life. - Just because it doesn’t look like it, it doesn’t mean God isn’t favoring you. - Don’t let the provocation push you away from God - Let provocation push you into the presents of God - God will allow you to go through things that others can’t recognize - When’s the last time you poured out your soul to God - Use your bitterness and pain to draw closer to him