

Psalm 42

August 7, 2022 • Brett Baggett • Psalm 42

DOCTRINE: True believers may go through seasons of being cast down or depressed, but there are great helps for you to lift you up if you are in Christ.


I) True believers find their chief delight in God, yet sometimes they choke on their tears as they feel abandoned by Him.

(I) True believers find their chief delight in God (Psalm 42:1-2). (II) Sometimes true believers choke on their tears, feeling abandoned by God (Psalm 42:3).

QUESTION. How does a downcast soul happen?

ANSWER I. Sometimes through sickness.

ANSWER II. Sometimes through lack of sanctification. If you base your happiness on your current progress in sanctification, rather than the finished nature of your justification in Christ, you will likely be constantly in and out of depressing moods.

ANSWER III. Sometimes through sins committed. (I) Sins of commission which squeeze the conscience. (II) Sins of omission which are like thorns in the bed of the conscience. (III) Sins of idleness, not actively working hard as God has created you to in your education, training, or vocation. (IV) Sins of slothfulness or gluttony, not fueling, exerting, or resting your body in a way that glorifies God. (V) Sins of indulging in worries and anxieties, which drain the soul of comfort and fill it with distrust in God’s goodness. (VI) Sins of neglecting private, family, or public worship of the Lord. A starved soul is a downcast soul. A soul never exhaling God’s praises will become heavy as a millstone and sink down in the sea. A soul infrequently fellowshipping with God’s people, or being distant when they are around other believers, will be a lone island of despair.

ANSWER IV. Sometimes through sins received.

ANSWER V. Sometimes through suffering. Like Job you may be suffering without any fault of your own. The Lord may simply be sanctifying his name in the eyes of others by afflicting you and sustaining you. He may be afflicting you simply because you need to be sanctified and this is the way he has chosen to do it.

ANSWER VI. Sometimes through persecution.

ANSWER VII. Sometimes through not being able to assemble with the Lord’s people to praise his name.

II) True believers, when they are downcast, earnestly desire to worship the Lord in the assembly of the saints, knowing this is a key way God pumps joy into the soul (Psalm 42:4).


QUESTION. What do I do when I am downcast?

ANSWER. Here are TEN helps for you if and when your soul is cast down within you.

I) Remember the LORD by fixing the eyes of your heart on who He is and what He has promised (Psalm 42:6b).

II) Remember the LORD is sovereign over all your downcast seasons (Psalm 42:7).

III) Remember God’s lovingkindness to you in Christ (Psalm 42:8a).

Think of the lovingkindness of God toward you, believer: (I) God’s love for you, believer, never began (Jeremiah 31:33; Psalm 103:17). (II) God in his love for you, Christian, gave his only begotten Son so that you would not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). (III) God’s love for you, saint, led Christ to lay down his life for you (John 15:13). (IV) God’s love for you, believer, will never end (John 13:1). (V) God’s love for you, Christian, can never be severed (Romans 8:35-39).

IV) Remember God’s song (Psalm 42:8b).

V) Remember to pray to the God who gives you both life and eternal life (Psalm 42:8c).

VI) Remember to cry out to God in prayer, and cry out honestly (Psalm 42:9-10).

VII) Remember to preach to yourself, calling your soul to account (Psalm 42:11a).

(I) Examine yourself by seeing if you can discern why you are in this downcast state. (I) Is it because of sickness? (II) Is it because you are navel-gazing, rather than looking at Christ? (III) Has God by his providence handed you into this downcast state because of sin that you need to repent of?

(I.) Sins of commission? (II.) Sins of omission? (III.) Sins of idleness? (IV.) Sins of slothfulness or gluttony? (V.) Sins of indulging in worries and anxieties? (VI.) Sins of neglecting the private, family, or public worship of the Lord?

(IV) Are you in this downcast state because of sins that have been committed against you? (V) Are you downcast because of persecution? (VI) Are you downcast because of not being able to worship the Lord in the assembly of the saints?

(II) Beloved, it may be that you can easily discern by examination why you are in a down cast state. But it may be that you cannot discover the reason. Enlist the help of your husband, wife, friend, or one of your pastors. You must not walk through the valley of the shadow of death alone.

VIII) Remember to tell yourself to fix your hope on God (Psalm 42:11b).

(I) You and I must set our hope fully on the grace that will be brought to us when Christ returns (1 Peter 1:13). (II) Your sufferings and afflictions will result, by God’s grace, in increased hope in Christ (Romans 5:2-4; Job 13:14).

IX) Remember to tell yourself that this darkness will not last—say to yourself, “I shall again praise him!” (Psalm 42:11c).

X) Remember to tell yourself that this darkness will not last—say to yourself, “I will see Christ’s face!” (Psalm 42:11d)