The ancient practice of a rule of life is the container that we see the vision of being with Jesus and becoming like Jesus, to flourish in you and me. It is how we live this out in our lives, so that Jesus can transform us into his image.
Our posture towards Scripture is to be simple--open and receptive. When we come to eat the Word of God, it will make us wise.
What's our heart posture toward Scripture? We must change our posture towards the Bible--from informational reading to formational reading.
Serving is meant to bring a little of heaven here to earth! Seeing + Sacrifice = Service
We tend to be driven by our performance culture, where we are performing, posturing, producing, and brand-managing, just trying to receive acceptance, worth and even love. Contemplative prayer counters this. Learning to just be with God, resting in God’s love for me, resting in my identity as His son. It’s not based on what I do, what I have, what I accomplish or what other people think of me but based on Who I am utterly loved by!
Learning to hear and listen to Jesus’s voice is one of the great tasks of the apprentice of Jesus. Learning to obey his voice… is even the greater task.