October 29, 2023
The parable of the lost sons, lost sheep, and lost coin are all about God’s persistent, passionate grace for his children.
It is actually a great mistake to think that this is a story about just the one son.
The Parable of the Faithful Servant The Parable of the Ten Virgins The Parable of Talents The Parable of the Sheep and Goats All four parables are given after the instruction to be alert, keep watch, being cautious and active. They are examples of what it means to overcome deception, fear, and falling away with discernment, love and faithfulness. Because we cannot know the timing of the end, we should not spend our time trying to predict it. Instead, we ought to devote ourselves to living out lives of love others. Using the abilities, gifts and blessings that we have been blessed and gifted with by God to advance his Kingdom values here on earth. Therefore, let's not be fearful, not give up hope, but persevere, as our King Jesus teaches us. If you knew Jesus was coming back later today, what would you do?
In the parable of the mustard seed Jesus uses the sowing and planting seeds as a way to talk about the kingdom of God. Why is Jesus using agricultural language to describe the kingdom of God? Why not use something else? By using ordinary and unexciting imagery, Jesus was intentionally taking apart people’s expectation of what the kingdom of God looks like. He is making quite the bold and provocative statement; the kingdom of God begins in small and unexciting ways.