

April 17, 2016

April 17, 2016 • Pastor Ben Jamison

We often just skip over the Old Testament and wonder why it matters. This month we’ll explore how the theology of Exodus sets the stage for the miracle of Jesus.

I) God pursues us.

- God hears the cries of his people and works to set them free.

- God works in His timing. The people were in slavery over 430 years.

- Are you frustrated with God’s timing? God’s character never changes. He’s faithfully set his people free in the past and will for you as well. Ask for patience and focus on the stories of what He’s done.

II) Set Free

- Read Exodus chapters 1-12 at home this week. What imagery do you see the points to Jesus and our relationship with God?

- Seder is the meal designed to remember God’s faithfulness. It involves 4 cups:

o Cup of Sanctification: I will take you out of Egypt,
o Cup of Deliverance: I will take Egypt out of You.
o Cup of Redemption: I will buy you back from slavery,
o Cup of Joy: You will be my people.

III) Jesus Fulfills
- Jesus becomes each of these cups so that we could experience true relationship.
- What are places in your own life where you need to experience Sanctification, Deliverance, Redemption, and Joy?

Habakkuk: Where are you, God?

May 8, 2016 • Pastor Ben Jamison

Habukkuk’s Driving Question: Why Doesn’t God Seem Fair? Read Habakkuk 1:2-3 Habakkuk means to "embrace" or to "wrestle," Read verses 3-5 Habukkak’s Problem With God - You don’t seem to care. - You aren’t doing much when you could. - What You are doing doesn’t seem fair. God’s Response: Read Habakkuk 1:5 Utterly amazed: tamahh (taw-mah'); a sudden alarming amazement to be astonished, to marvel. A deeply committed deliver can express simultaneous questions and faith. Discussion Questions - If God would answer one question what would you ask Him? - Henry Blackaby wrote about what he called a "crisis of belief." Describe a time when, like Habakkuk, you experienced a crisis of belief.

Resurrection Power

May 1, 2016 • Pastor Ben Jamison


April 24, 2016 • Pastor Ben Jamison