

Satisfaction = Seeking Jesus First

June 19, 2016 • Ben Jamison

Everything today that the world calls awesome will eventually wind up in a yard sale or a junk pile.

Satisfaction is the result of seeking Jesus first in everything we do.


• What were the three best gifts you received as a child?

• Are those items still as valuable to you today as they were when you received them?

Read 1 Kings 18:20-21.

• Have you ever been around someone silent and indecisive like the people in those verses?

3 Reasons People Are Indecisive (Especially About Giving)

1 - Lack of Trust
• Describe a time when something felt shady and you weren't comfortable being there or giving money to something.

2 - " Drive-by Guilting"
• Are you more motivated to do something because of guilt or because of love for someone?

3 - Fear
• Have you feared something so much it affected the way you live?

If we're going to trust God with the verses about heaven, we have to trust Him about the verses on money, too.