
1. The Case for Christ

Investigating the Case for Christ

October 20, 2019 • Roger Gardner

It's a great time for Connect Groups. We watched the movie and now we're starting a 4-week sermon series. If you're in a connect group that starts this week, we will be going over the material in this sermon. Let's dig in and investigate the Case for Christ.

Many reasons that people don't investigate Christ are the same reasons that they should. They don't believe, they don't want to believe, they don't know what to believe, or when they do believe, they stop there. Let's see how Lee Strobel handeled his journey of discovery and investigation.

2. A Sure Foundation

October 27, 2019 • Roger Gardner

It's a great time for Connect Groups. We watched the movie and now we're in week two of a 4-week sermon series. If you're in a connect group that starts this week, we will be going over the material in this sermon. As you explore, ask three questions: Was Jesus alive? Did He die (on the cross)? Did He rise from the dead? Let's dig in and Explore the Case for Christ.

3. Embracing the Truth of Christ

November 3, 2019 • Roger Gardner

Week 3 of the series! We're more than halfway done, but the journey may just be beginning for some of you. What does the next step look like? How can we encourage others to make that next step in their lives? Simply put, it's this (from Luke 10): Love God with your mind, you heart, your strength, and your soul. How do we do this? Listen and see.

4. Sharing the Good News of Christ

November 10, 2019 • Roger Gardner

Week 4 of the series! We have come full circle. We have learned to investigate the case for Christ. We have learned about the firm foundation of our church--the evidence of Christ. Then, last week, we talked about embracing the truth. We believe, we receive, and then we become. Now what? Be motivated, be available, be prepared, be prayerful, and be authentic. Let's be all these things as we share this good news so that more people have the opportunity to form a real, true, confirming Case for Christ.