Dr. Crane reminds us of the glory of Christ: How he was equal with God, yet emptied himself and was obedient, dying on our behalf. God therefore exalted him to a place where everyone will one day honor his name.
The Ultimate Example
February 26, 2023 • Dr. Steve Crane • Philippians 2:5–11
Reasons to Rejoice
May 7, 2023 • Dr. Steve Crane • Philippians 4:10–20
Dr. Crane shows how Paul had learned to be content in any circumstances, and yet was especially pleased to receive the offering the Philippians had taken for him, knowing that while it benefited him, it would also benefit them in their relationship with God.
"Can't We Just Get Along?"
April 30, 2023 • Dr. Steve Crane • Philippians 4:2–9
Dr. Crane challenges us to put aside differences for the cause of Christ, to seek peace with others through rejoicing, being reasonable, being alert to God's presence, avoiding anxiety, praying about everything, and thinking and practicing excellent things.
Following Christ
April 23, 2023 • Dr. Steve Crane • Philippians 3:17–21, Philippians 4:1
Dr. Crane challenges us to follow the examples of Christ, and those who follow him, avoiding the examples of the enemies of the cross of Christ, instead living as citizens of heaven, while we await our transformation to become like Jesus.