
Parent Rescources - Session 3: Walk Humbly.

Walk Humbly

Psalm 139:16–18, Philippians 3:7–8, Matthew 14:23, Isaiah 40:25–26

Session 3: Walk Humbly.

This session focuses on what it looks like to walk with God, to fall into step with our Creator. It requires a great deal of humility to walk his way and not our own in the first place, but it also grows our humility once we’ve started. Walking with God means following the journey of life beside him. It means we know how to connect with him and communicate with him. Through that process, we get a glimpse of who God is, giving us a whole new perspective on ourselves—a humbling one.

Main Scripture passages: Matthew 14:23; Isaiah 40:25–26; Psalm 139:16–18; Philippians 3:7–8