
Friar Side Chats

A down-to-earth and chuckle-worthy conversation on everyday topics with your favorite Franciscan friar.

#68 | Manifestation of Love

March 12, 2021

We crave peace. We crave love. We crave rest. But we're also some of the most impatient people to have walked the earth. Join us in this fresh episode all about cultivating patience. From the fruits of patience in our relationships, to practical techniques for growing in patience, to recognizing the difference between our time and God's time -- it's a topic we have to think about deeply if we hope to grow closer to our ever-patient Savior, Jesus.

#67 | Own Your Story

February 25, 2021

Friar Side Chats is back for a fresh season! In today's episode we’re challenged to take a look back at our own spiritual history: where our journey began, how we got to where we are today, and the role God has played in all of it. Between pivotal moments in our lives and people who have helped us along the way, God has been working in our lives every small step of the way. So join the Friar Side Chats crew as together we explore how to see God’s presence more clearly and why we need to know and own our personal spiritual story.

#66 | Strange Summers

July 10, 2020

Here we are in the middle of an unprecedented summer. In Durham, we’re worshipping in a parking garage; at home, you’re wearing masks with family and friends; in our communities, we’re marching and advocating and learning. The good news amidst it all is the Good News: that Jesus came to live among us, that His love for us is abundant, and that He is with us no matter what we’re facing or how we’re feeling. But not just in some pie-in-the-sky, sending-good-vibes kind of way. In some very real, tangible, and creative ways—if we’re willing to look for them. So join us in this episode of Friar Side Chats as we dig into the complexity of returning to Mass, the difference between external practices and internal relationship, and so much more. (Plus a special segment devised by Fr. Mike to test your Catholic saint trivia!)

#65 | Five Friars in the Kitchen: And Other COVID Lessons

May 22, 2020

This week, we sat down to chat not about Tiger King or Zoom fatigue but about the unexpected blessings and spiritual takeaways from this time of quarantine. We invite you to join us for a Friar Side Chats episode that asks: What’s going to be the defining outcome of this time for you? What has been a surprise blessing of the past two months? What can you do when faced with anxiety about the future or frustration in your own home? Not to mention Fr. Mike’s attempt at spicing up the podcast with a game segment… (Yes, really. Complete with theme music and audience reactions...) Come for Fr. Mike’s creativity, but stay for the fresh ideas on a more spiritual outlook of this time.

#64 | Why Is This So Hard?

February 27, 2020

When we look at people whose faith we admire, there’s often a common thread running through their lives: regular and intentional prayer. So what is it about prayer that makes it so powerful? How can we make it a bigger part of our lives? And importantly: why is it sometimes so hard?? With the DCC’s Lenten theme of Prayer in mind, we invite you to join us in this episode of Friar Side Chats as we dig into these questions and more. With these 40 days of Lent, it’s the perfect time to begin making prayer a part of your daily routine!

#63 | Coach Danowski: Nothing to Lose

November 15, 2019

What happens when we find ourselves in a culture in need of change? Whether we're dealing with the messy issues of life on a team, in an org on campus, or within a community — what power do we have to move the needle? Join us as we sit down with Duke's Head Coach for Men's Lacrosse, John Danowski, to talk about shifting a culture, staying rooted in what's important, and an ethos we could all benefit from. Are you ready to become a force for change in your relationships on and off campus?

#62 | Everything Happens for a Reason?

October 31, 2019

The age old problem of pain and suffering in the world isn’t new to any of us. But each time heartbreak or tragedy strikes us, our loved ones, or our community, we often find ourselves grappling all over again with finding meaning in the midst of suffering. And for many of us, the temptation is to settle into the “everything happens for a reason” narrative. But what are we really saying when we decide to place the reason for heartache on “God’s plan”? There has to be something deeper to hold on to, to trust in. Join us for a powerful conversation about empty platitudes, finding meaning in suffering, and truly embracing God’s grace in a sometimes broken reality.

#61 | Putting the Cart Before the Horse

October 17, 2019

We surrounded all the time by the idea that leadership is the pinnacle of personal, professional, and academic development. But, while we may be called to take the lead at times, are we be putting the cart before the horse if we’re not first striving to be solid followers? From habits and qualities we should strive to cultivate as followers, to the spiritual ramifications of being afraid of followership — join us as we explore the other side of the leadership coin. And get ready to ask yourself: Is there an upside to being a follower in a world that tells us that leadership is what really counts?

#59 | Lies I Tell Myself

September 19, 2019

How would you describe your prayer life? Is your answer along the lines of “I pray before bed”? In this episode of the Friar Side Chats, Fr. Mike questions whether this prayer practice is sufficient for building a relationship with our God who loves us and wants us to know Him. But don’t stress if that’s where you are. We are bringing the recommendations! From how timing of day matters, to different prayer methods, to our favorite apps for spurring on our daily prayer. As you begin to fall into your routine for the new semester, there’s no better episode to help you prepare to incorporate prayer in a meaningful way. Reimagine your prayer life with us and experience the impact on your daily life!

#58 | Ask Yourself Seven Whys

September 5, 2019

At a place like Duke where accomplishments and scores get you in and GPAs and theses carry you out, it’s all too easy to get caught up in the achievement-proves-worth cycle. And yet at the same time, God truly has brought each of us here to achieve incredible things with the gifts He’s given us! So how are we supposed to pursue excellence in a healthy way? Turns out the answer is simple but the practice is challenging. Are you up for asking yourself difficult questions and discovering where you might be placing your worth? If you are, join us for this week’s episode of Friar Side Chats, and get ready to ask yourself seven whys... And as a bonus, you’ll get to hear Fr. Mike’s one and only all-nighter experience!

#57 | Love in the Face of Violence

August 15, 2019

Known as the patron of our difficult time, Saint Maximilian Kolbe is a modern witness of love and sacrifice in the face of great hatred and violence. With the recent mass shootings in mind, this episode dives into what it means to love radically in a world of violence. We'll explore the life of St. Maximilian Kolbe, a Franciscan friar who died in Auschwitz after sacrificing his life so that a fellow inmate could live. Declared a martyr of charity, a distinction from a martyr of faith, this saint is a modern testimony to the triumph of love over hate. Although most of us will not be martyred for our faith, St. Maximillian Kolbe demonstrates how through our love we can all live out a particular type of martyrdom.

#56 | Breaking a Few Eggs

August 1, 2019

Parents. They cooked hundreds of meals for us, drove us to countless competitions and practices, and helped us become the people we are today. Of course we’re grateful! And yet, at the same time, we can find ourselves frustrated when we feel they’re holding on too tightly or pushing us out of the nest too soon or simply not living up to our expectations. There’s no perfect path for navigating the ever-changing landscape of parent-child relationships — but there are some tips and strategies to help smooth out the process. With personal insights, scriptural encouragement, and a practical challenge for listeners, this episode will help you learn to love and relate to your parents in a fresh way! Definitely a must-listen for any young adult navigating their twenties!

#55 | "Martha, Martha"

July 18, 2019

This week on Friar Side Chats, Fr. Mike and Emma draw on the Gospel story of Mary and Martha and choosing the better part. It's a classic example of how our perspective and focus can completely shift our experience and relationship with Jesus. Who will you identify with in the story? Are you a Mary or a Martha? (Spoiler: Emma and Fr. Mike are Marthas…) Are you driven more to contemplation or to action? Join the Friar Side Chats crew as they explore ways we can cultivate a spiritual life that finds Christ in both the quiet time and the busyness of everyday life.

#54 | God Went Wild

June 6, 2019

Whether we’re running our favorite trail, soaking up some rays on the beach, or even just walking to class — it’s hard to deny that being in nature captures something in us. After all, God went wild when he created our world and He designed it all to be appreciated and loved by humanity! Join Fr. Mike and Emma in this refreshing episode as they explore how they engage with God through nature and offer suggestions for how we, too, can hear God’s voice speaking to us through His creation. Maybe you’ll even be inspired to head outside after listening!

#53 | More Than A Building

May 23, 2019

In the burning and collapse of the spire at the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris the world lost an important piece of history, an intricate work of art, a teacher for the people, a sacred place to pray, and so much more. Here at Duke, we're blessed to see and encounter beautiful buildings everyday — but what do they mean to us? Do we take the time to consider the greater purpose of places like the Duke Chapel and Notre Dame? This weekend, join Fr. Mike and Emma as they explore the transcendent nature of places like Notre Dame, awe-inspiring churches here in North America, and how we can better appreciate the sacred spaces in our everyday lives.